amethyst_test 0.1.0

Amethyst test utilities crate

Test harness to support testing of Amethyst types, including:

  • Bundle
  • State
  • System
  • Resource loading.
  • Arbitrary types that Systems use during processing.

The test harness minimizes boilerplate code to set up an Amethyst Application with common bundles, and can take in logic that is normally masked behind a number of layers through a thin interface.


The following shows a simple example of testing a State. More examples are in the Examples section.

# extern crate amethyst;
# extern crate amethyst_test;
# use std::marker::PhantomData;
# use amethyst_test::prelude::*;
# use amethyst::{
#     ecs::prelude::*,
#     prelude::*,
# };
# #[derive(Debug)]
# struct LoadResource;
# #[derive(Debug)]
# struct LoadingState;
# impl LoadingState {
#     fn new() -> Self {
#         LoadingState
#     }
# }
# impl<'a, 'b, E> State<GameData<'a, 'b>, E> for LoadingState
# where
#     E: Send + Sync + 'static,
# {
#     fn update(&mut self, data: StateData<'_, GameData<'_, '_>>) -> Trans<GameData<'a, 'b>, E> {
#         Trans::Pop
#     }
# }
// #[test]
fn loading_state_adds_load_resource() {
.with_state(|| LoadingState::new())
.with_assertion(|world| {
# fn main() {
#     loading_state_adds_load_resource();
# }

The Amethyst application is initialized with one of the following functions, each providing a different set of bundles:

extern crate amethyst_test;

use amethyst_test::prelude::*;

fn test_name() {
// Start with no bundles

// Start with the Transform, Input, and UI bundles
// The type parameters here are the Axis and Action types for the `InputBundle` and
// `UiBundle`.
AmethystApplication::ui_base::<String, String>();

// Start with the Animation, Transform, and Render bundles.
// If you want the Input and UI bundles, you can use the `.with_ui_bundles::<AX, AC>()`
// method.
let visibility = false; // Whether the window should be shown
AmethystApplication::render_base("test_name", visibility);

Next, attach the logic you wish to test using the various .with_*(..) methods:

fn test_name() {
let visibility = false; // Whether the window should be shown
AmethystApplication::render_base::<String, String, _>("test_name", visibility)
.with_bundle(MyBundle::new())                // Registers a bundle.
.with_bundle_fn(|| MyNonSendBundle::new())   // Registers a `!Send` bundle.
.with_resource(MyResource::new())            // Adds a resource to the world.
.with_system(MySystem::new(), "my_sys", &[]) // Registers a system with the main
// dispatcher.

// These are run in the order they are invoked.
// You may invoke them multiple times.
.with_setup(|world| { /* do something */ })
.with_state(|| MyState::new())
.with_effect(|world| { /* do something */ })
.with_assertion(|world| { /* do something */ })
// ...

Finally, call .run() to run the application. This returns amethyst::Result<()>, so you can wrap it in an assert!(..);:

fn test_name() {
let visibility = false; // Whether the window should be shown
AmethystApplication::render_base("test_name", visibility)
// ...


Testing a bundle:

# extern crate amethyst;
# extern crate amethyst_test;
# use amethyst_test::prelude::*;
# use amethyst::{
#     core::bundle::{self, SystemBundle},
#     ecs::prelude::*,
#     prelude::*,
# };
# #[derive(Debug)]
# struct ApplicationResource;
# #[derive(Debug)]
# struct MySystem;
# impl<'s> System<'s> for MySystem {
#     type SystemData = ReadExpect<'s, ApplicationResource>;
#     fn run(&mut self, _: Self::SystemData) {}
#     fn setup(&mut self, res: &mut Resources) {
#         Self::SystemData::setup(res);
#         res.insert(ApplicationResource);
#     }
# }
# #[derive(Debug)]
# struct MyBundle;
# impl<'a, 'b> SystemBundle<'a, 'b> for MyBundle {
#     fn build(self, builder: &mut DispatcherBuilder<'a, 'b>) -> bundle::Result<()> {
#         builder.add(MySystem, "my_system", &[]);
#         Ok(())
#     }
# }
// #[test]
fn bundle_registers_system_with_resource() {
.with_assertion(|world| { world.read_resource::<ApplicationResource>(); })
# fn main() {
#     bundle_registers_system_with_resource();
# }

Testing a system:

# extern crate amethyst;
# extern crate amethyst_test;
# use amethyst_test::prelude::*;
# use amethyst::{
#     ecs::prelude::*,
#     prelude::*,
# };
# struct MyComponent(pub i32);
# impl Component for MyComponent {
#     type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;
# }
# #[derive(Debug)]
# struct MySystem;
# impl<'s> System<'s> for MySystem {
#     type SystemData = WriteStorage<'s, MyComponent>;
#     fn run(&mut self, mut my_component_storage: Self::SystemData) {
#         for mut my_component in (&mut my_component_storage).join() {
#             my_component.0 += 1
#         }
#     }
# }
// #[test]
fn system_increases_component_value_by_one() {
.with_system(MySystem, "my_system", &[])
.with_effect(|world| {
let entity = world.create_entity().with(MyComponent(0)).build();
.with_assertion(|world| {
let entity = world.read_resource::<EffectReturn<Entity>>().0.clone();

let my_component_storage = world.read_storage::<MyComponent>();
let my_component = my_component_storage
.expect("Entity should have a `MyComponent` component.");

// If the system ran, the value in the `MyComponent` should be 1.
assert_eq!(1, my_component.0);
# fn main() {
#     system_increases_component_value_by_one();
# }

Testing a System in a custom dispatcher. This is useful when your system must run after some setup has been done:

# extern crate amethyst;
# extern crate amethyst_test;
# use amethyst_test::prelude::*;
# use amethyst::{
#     ecs::prelude::*,
#     prelude::*,
# };
# // !Default
# struct MyResource(pub i32);
# #[derive(Debug)]
# struct MySystem;
# impl<'s> System<'s> for MySystem {
#     type SystemData = WriteExpect<'s, MyResource>;
#     fn run(&mut self, mut my_resource: Self::SystemData) {
#         my_resource.0 += 1
#     }
# }
// #[test]
fn system_increases_resource_value_by_one() {
.with_setup(|world| {
.with_system_single(MySystem, "my_system", &[])
.with_assertion(|world| {
let my_resource = world.read_resource::<MyResource>();

// If the system ran, the value in the `MyResource` should be 1.
assert_eq!(1, my_resource.0);
# fn main() {
#     system_increases_resource_value_by_one();
# }