Expand description

OpenType font table parsing and writing.


Parsing and writing of the cmap table.

Parsing and writing of the glyf table.

Parsing and writing of the loca table.

Parsing of the OS/2 table.

SVG table parsing.


The F2DOT14 format consists of a signed, 2’s complement integer and an unsigned fraction.

32-bit signed fixed-point number (16.16)

head table

hhea horizontal header table

hmtx horizontal metrics table

Language-tag record within the name table

A longHorMetric record in the hmtx table.

maxp - Maximum profile

Record within the name table

name table

OpenType Offset Table

TrueType collection header

An entry in the Offset Table


The size of the offsets in the loca table

An OpenTypeFont containing a single font or a collection of fonts


Magic value identifying a CFF font (OTTO)

Magic value identifying a TrueType font collection ttcf

Magic number identifying TrueType 1.0
