Crate aligned_cmov

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  • Implementation for arr! macro.


  • Macro allowing for easy generation of Generic Arrays. Example: let test = arr![u32; 1, 2, 3];


  • 8-byte alignment
  • 64-byte alignment
  • A newtype with alignment of at least A bytes
  • Struct representing a generic array - GenericArray<T, N> works like [T; N]


  • Trait making GenericArray work, marking types to be used as length of an array
  • Trait for types which can be viewed as aligned chunks of bytes This should generally just be, larger chunks of dumb bytes or similar.
  • Trait for types which can be viewed as native-endian integer slices This should generally just be, aligned slices of dumb bytes or similar. (Indeed the only intended implementor is Aligned<A8, GenericArray<u8, N>>)
  • CMov represents types that can be (obliviously) conditionally moved.


  • Changes the alignment of value to be at least A bytes

Type Definitions

  • An alias representing 8-byte aligned bytes, mainly to save typing
  • An alias representing 64-byte aligned bytes, mainly to save typing