Crate akita[][src]

Expand description

This create offers:

  • MySql database’s helper in pure rust;
  • A mini orm framework (Just MySQL)。


  • Other Database support, i.e. support SQLite, Oracle, MSSQL…;
  • support of original SQL;
  • support of named parameters for custom condition;


Put the desired version of the crate into the dependencies section of your Cargo.toml:

akita = "*"


  • Table - to make Akita work with structs
  • column - to make struct field with own database.
  • name - work with column, make the table’s field name. default struct’ field name.
  • exist - ignore struct’s field with table. default true.

Support Field Types.

  • Option<T>
  • u8, u32, u64
  • i32, i64
  • usize
  • f32, f64
  • bool
  • str, String
  • NaiveDate, NaiveDateTime


use akita::prelude::*;
/// Annotion Support: Table、Id、column
/// Annotion Support: Table、id、column (name, exist)
pub struct User {
    #[id(name = "id")]
    pub pk: i64,
    pub id: String,
    pub name: String,
    pub headline: NaiveDateTime,
    pub avatar_url: Option<String>,
    /// 状态
    pub status: u8,
    /// 用户等级 0.普通会员 1.VIP会员
    pub level: u8,
    /// 生日
    pub birthday: Option<NaiveDate>,
    /// 性别
    pub gender: u8,
    #[column(exist = "false")]
    pub is_org: bool,
    #[column(name = "token")]
    pub url_token: String,
    pub data: Vec<String>,
    pub user_type: String,
    pub inner_struct: TestInnerStruct,
    pub inner_tuple: (String),
    pub inner_enum: TestInnerEnum,
impl Default for User {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            id: "".to_string(),
            pk: 0,
            name: "".to_string(),
            headline: mysql::chrono::Local::now().naive_local(),
            avatar_url: "".to_string().into(),
            gender: 0,
            birthday: mysql::chrono::Local::now().naive_local().date().into(),
            is_org: false,
            url_token: "".to_string(),
            user_type: "".to_string(),
            status: 0,
            level: 1,
            data: vec![],
            inner_struct: TestInnerStruct {
                id: "".to_string(),
            inner_tuple: ("".to_string()),
            inner_enum: TestInnerEnum::Field,
pub struct TestInnerStruct {
    pub id: String,
pub enum TestInnerEnum {
/// build the wrapper.
let mut wrapper = UpdateWrapper::new()
    .like(true, "username", "ffff");
    .eq(true, "username", 12);
    .eq(true, "username", "3333");
    .in_(true, "username", vec![1,44,3]);
    .not_between(true, "username", 2, 8);
    .set(true, "username", 4);
let user = User::default();
// Transaction
conn.start_transaction(TxOpts::default()).map(|mut transaction| {
    match user.update( & mut wrapper, &mut ConnMut::TxMut(&mut transaction)) {
        Ok(res) => {}
        Err(err) => {
            println!("error : {:?}", err);

let mut pool = ConnMut::R2d2Polled(conn);
/// update by identify
match user.update_by_id(&mut conn) {
    Ok(res) => {}
    Err(err) => {
        println!("error : {:?}", err);
/// delete by identify
match user.delete_by_id(&mut conn) {
    Ok(res) => {}
    Err(err) => {
        println!("error : {:?}", err);
/// delete by condition
match user.delete:: < UpdateWrapper > ( & mut wrapper, &mut conn) {
    Ok(res) => {}
    Err(err) => {
        println!("error : {:?}", err);
/// insert data
match user.insert(&mut conn) {
    Ok(res) => {}
    Err(err) => {
        println!("error : {:?}", err);
/// find by identify
match user.find_by_id(&mut conn) {
    Ok(res) => {}
    Err(err) => {
        println!("error : {:?}", err);
/// find one by condition
match user.find_one::<UpdateWrapper>(&mut wrapper, &mut conn) {
    Ok(res) => {}
    Err(err) => {
        println!("error : {:?}", err);
/// find page by condition
match<UpdateWrapper>(1, 10,&mut wrapper, &mut conn) {
    Ok(res) => {}
    Err(err) => {
        println!("error : {:?}", err);

API Documentation


let mut wrapper = UpdateWrapper::new();, "column1", "ffff");
wrapper.eq(true, "column2", 12);
wrapper.eq(true, "column3", "3333");
wrapper.in_(true, "column4", vec![1,44,3]);
wrapper.not_between(true, "column5", 2, 8);
wrapper.set(true, "column1", 4);
match wrapper.get_target_sql("t_user") {
    Ok(sql) => {println!("ok:{}", sql);}
    Err(err) => {println!("err:{}", err);}
Update At 2021.07.13 10:21 
By Mr.Pan


pub use chrono;






创建连接池 database_url 连接地址 max_size 最大连接数量