Module akd::proof_structs

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Note that the proofs AppendOnlyProof, MembershipProof and NonMembershipProof are Merkle Patricia tree proofs, while the proofs HistoryProof and LookupProof are AKD proofs.


Proof that no leaves were deleted from the initial epoch. This is done using a list of SingleAppendOnly proofs, one proof for each epoch between the initial epoch and final epochs which are being audited.
This proof is an array of UpdateProofs and proofs of non-membership of future entries
Proof value at a single layer of the tree Note that this is really a helper struct to hold the sibling path for a Merkle tree proof. When sending a sibling path, you need to know which direction to hash a node (left or right) since in a compressed tree, the label alone is not enough to derive the path. Thus, we include the direction at which to place the ancestor of the node for which a proof is being generated. The parent is the parent of the level in the tree at which you are. See documentation for MembershipProof to see how this is used.
Proof that a given label was at a particular state at the given epoch. This means we need to show that the state and version we are claiming for this node must have been:
Merkle proof of membership of a NodeLabel with a particular hash value in the tree at a given epoch.
Merkle Patricia proof of non-membership for a NodeLabel in the tree at a given epoch.
Proof that no leaves were deleted from the initial epoch. This means that unchanged_nodes should hash to the initial root hash and the vec of inserted is the set of leaves inserted between these epochs. If we built the tree using the nodes in inserted and the nodes in unchanged_nodes as the leaves with the correct epoch of insertion, it should result in the final root hash.
A vector of UpdateProofs are sent as the proof to a history query for a particular key. For each version of the value associated with the key, the verifier must check that: