akd 0.10.0

An implementation of an auditable key directory
name = "akd"
version = "0.10.0"
authors = ["akd contributors"]
description = "An implementation of an auditable key directory"
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
edition = "2021"
keywords = ["key-transparency", "akd"]
repository = "https://github.com/facebook/akd"
readme = "../README.md"

# Supported configurations
whatsapp_v1 = ["akd_core/whatsapp_v1"]
experimental = ["akd_core/experimental"]

bench = ["experimental", "public_tests", "tokio/rt-multi-thread"]
public_tests = [
public_auditing = ["dep:protobuf", "akd_core/protobuf"]
serde_serialization = ["dep:serde", "akd_core/serde_serialization"]
# Collect runtime metrics on db access calls + timing
runtime_metrics = []
# Parallelize VRF calculations during publish
parallel_vrf = ["akd_core/parallel_vrf"]
# Parallelize node insertion during publish
parallel_insert = []
# Enable pre-loading of the nodes when generating history proofs
preload_history = []
# TESTING ONLY: Artifically slow the in-memory database (for benchmarking)
slow_internal_db = []
# Greedy loading of lookup proof nodes
greedy_lookup_preload = []

# Default features mix (experimental + audit-proof protobuf mgmt support)
default = [

## Required dependencies ##
akd_core = { version = "0.10.0", path = "../akd_core", default-features = false, features = [
] }
async-recursion = "1"
async-trait = "0.1"
dashmap = "5"
hex = "0.4"
log = { version = "0.4", features = ["kv_unstable"] }
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["sync", "time", "rt"] }

## Optional dependencies ##
serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"], optional = true }
rand = { version = "0.8", optional = true }
colored = { version = "2", optional = true }
once_cell = { version = "1", optional = true }
protobuf = { version = "3", optional = true }
paste = { version = "1", optional = true }

criterion = "0.5"
serial_test = "2"
proptest = "1"
proptest-derive = "0.3"
colored = "2"
once_cell = "1"
ctor = "0.2"
tokio-test = "0.4"
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["rt", "sync", "time", "macros"] }
mockall = "0.11"
futures = "0.3"
itertools = "0.11"

# To enable the public_tests feature in tests
akd = { path = ".", features = [
], default-features = false }

name = "azks"
harness = false
required-features = ["bench"]

name = "directory"
harness = false
required-features = ["bench"]