
Traits and structures to aid consuming and writing HTTP payloads.

Lower-level types and re-exports.

Error and Result module

Route guards.

Various HTTP related types.

A collection of common middleware.

A selection of re-exports from tokio and actix-rt.

Various helpers for Actix applications to use during testing.

Essentials helper functions and types for application registration.


Macro to help register different types of services at the same time.


The top-level builder for an Actix Web application.

Allows overriding status code and headers for a Responder.

General purpose Actix Web error.

An incoming request.

An outgoing response.

An HTTP response builder.

An HTTP Server.

A collection of Routes that respond to the same path pattern.

A request handler with guards.

A collection of Routes, Resources, or other services that share a common path prefix.


Combines two extractor or responder types into a single type.


A type that implements FromRequest is called an extractor and can extract data from the request. Some types that implement this trait are: Json, Header, and Path.

The interface for request handlers.

Trait that implements general purpose operations on HTTP messages.

Trait implemented by types that can be converted to an HTTP response.

Errors that can generate responses.

Type Definitions

A convenience Result for Actix Web operations.