adskalman 0.2.0

Kalman filter and Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoothing implementation using nalgebra, no_std

adskalman-rs Documentation Crate License build

Kalman filter and Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoothing implementation.

  • Includes various methods of computing the covariance matrix on the update step.
  • Estimates state of arbitrary dimensions using observations of arbitrary dimension.
  • Types are checked at compile time.
  • Uses nalgebra for linear algebra.
  • Supports no_std operation to run on embedded devices.

disabling log::trace in release builds

To support debugging, adskalman extensively uses the log::trace!() macro. You probably do not want this in your release builds. Therefore, in your top-level application crate, you may want to use the release_max_level_debug feature for the log crate like so:

log = { version = "0.4", features = ["release_max_level_debug"] }

See the log documentation for more information.

Running the examples

There are several examples in the examples/ directory, which is its own crate. Run them like so:

cd examples
cargo run --bin online_tracking