adsbx_json 2.0.1

Library for parsing the ADS-B Exchange API JSON.

Parses the JSON returned by the ADS-B Exchange API.

This crate currently only supports v2 of the API.

To parse a v2 JSON response:

use adsbx_json::v2::Response;
use std::str::FromStr;

# let json_str = include_str!("../tests/v2-specimen-01.json");
let response = Response::from_str(&json_str).unwrap();
println!("Got {} aircraft", response.aircraft.len());
let ac = &response.aircraft[0];
println!("ICAO: {}", ac.hex);
if let Some(reg) = &ac.registration {
println!("Registration: {}", reg);
if let (Some(lat), Some(lon)) = (, ac.lon) {
println!("Aircraft is at {}, {}", lat, lon);