actyxos_sdk 0.1.0

Tools for interacting with the services of an ActyxOS node

Latest Version Rust Documentation


ActyxOS makes it easy to run distributed applications on multiple nodes. It is a piece of software that allows you to run your own apps on one or more edge devices and have these apps seamlessly communicate and share data with each other.

This crate defines the data types needed for communicating with ActyxOS and provides Rust bindings for the ActyxOS APIs.


Below you find a full example using the EventService client that retrieves some events. Please adapt the semantics to match your stored events in order to see output.

Note: (this example needs the client feature to compile)

use actyxos_sdk::event_service::{EventService, EventServiceError, Order, Subscription};
use futures::stream::StreamExt;

pub async fn main() -> Result<(), EventServiceError> {
    // create a client to the locally running ActyxOS Event Service
    let service = EventService::default();

    // retrieve largest currently known event stream cursor
    let offsets = service.get_offsets().await?;

    // ask for all events matching the given subscription from now backwards
    let mut events = service

    // print out the payload of each event (cf. Payload::extract for more options)
    while let Some(event) = {
        println!("{}", event.payload.json_value());

Feature flags

The default is to provide only the data types with serialization and deserialization support for serde. The following features can be enabled in addition: