Trait actix_web::FromRequest[][src]

pub trait FromRequest: Sized {
    type Config: Default + 'static;
    type Error: Into<Error>;
    type Future: Future<Output = Result<Self, Self::Error>>;
    fn from_request(req: &HttpRequest, payload: &mut Payload) -> Self::Future;

    fn extract(req: &HttpRequest) -> Self::Future { ... }
fn configure<F>(f: F) -> Self::Config
        F: FnOnce(Self::Config) -> Self::Config
, { ... } }

Trait implemented by types that can be extracted from request.

Types that implement this trait can be used with Route handlers.

Associated Types

type Config: Default + 'static[src]

Configuration for this extractor.

type Error: Into<Error>[src]

The associated error which can be returned.

type Future: Future<Output = Result<Self, Self::Error>>[src]

Future that resolves to a Self.

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Required methods

fn from_request(req: &HttpRequest, payload: &mut Payload) -> Self::Future[src]

Create a Self from request parts asynchronously.

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Provided methods

fn extract(req: &HttpRequest) -> Self::Future[src]

Create a Self from request head asynchronously.

This method is short for T::from_request(req, &mut Payload::None).

fn configure<F>(f: F) -> Self::Config where
    F: FnOnce(Self::Config) -> Self::Config

Create and configure config instance.

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl<T: 'static> FromRequest for Option<T> where
    T: FromRequest,
    T::Future: 'static, 

Optionally extract a field from the request

If the FromRequest for T fails, return None rather than returning an error response


use actix_web::{web, dev, App, Error, HttpRequest, FromRequest};
use actix_web::error::ErrorBadRequest;
use futures_util::future::{ok, err, Ready};
use serde_derive::Deserialize;
use rand;

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct Thing {
    name: String

impl FromRequest for Thing {
    type Error = Error;
    type Future = Ready<Result<Self, Self::Error>>;
    type Config = ();

    fn from_request(req: &HttpRequest, payload: &mut dev::Payload) -> Self::Future {
        if rand::random() {
            ok(Thing { name: "thingy".into() })
        } else {
            err(ErrorBadRequest("no luck"))


/// extract `Thing` from request
async fn index(supplied_thing: Option<Thing>) -> String {
    match supplied_thing {
        // Puns not intended
        Some(thing) => format!("Got something: {:?}", thing),
        None => format!("No thing!")

fn main() {
    let app = App::new().service(

type Error = Error

type Future = FromRequestOptFuture<T::Future>

type Config = T::Config

impl<T> FromRequest for Result<T, T::Error> where
    T: FromRequest + 'static,
    T::Error: 'static,
    T::Future: 'static, 

Optionally extract a field from the request or extract the Error if unsuccessful

If the FromRequest for T fails, inject Err into handler rather than returning an error response


use actix_web::{web, dev, App, Result, Error, HttpRequest, FromRequest};
use actix_web::error::ErrorBadRequest;
use futures_util::future::{ok, err, Ready};
use serde_derive::Deserialize;
use rand;

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct Thing {
    name: String

impl FromRequest for Thing {
    type Error = Error;
    type Future = Ready<Result<Thing, Error>>;
    type Config = ();

    fn from_request(req: &HttpRequest, payload: &mut dev::Payload) -> Self::Future {
        if rand::random() {
            ok(Thing { name: "thingy".into() })
        } else {
            err(ErrorBadRequest("no luck"))

/// extract `Thing` from request
async fn index(supplied_thing: Result<Thing>) -> String {
    match supplied_thing {
        Ok(thing) => format!("Got thing: {:?}", thing),
        Err(e) => format!("Error extracting thing: {}", e)

fn main() {
    let app = App::new().service(

type Error = Error

type Future = FromRequestResFuture<T::Future>

type Config = T::Config

impl FromRequest for String[src]

Extract text information from a request’s body.

Text extractor automatically decode body according to the request’s charset.

PayloadConfig allows to configure extraction process.


use actix_web::{post, web, FromRequest};

// extract text data from request
async fn index(text: String) -> String {
    format!("Body {}!", text)

type Config = PayloadConfig

type Error = Error

type Future = Either<StringExtractFut, Ready<Result<String, Error>>>

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impl FromRequest for Bytes[src]

Extract binary data from a request’s payload.

Collects request payload stream into a Bytes instance.

Use PayloadConfig to configure extraction process.


use actix_web::{post, web};

/// extract binary data from request
async fn index(body: web::Bytes) -> String {
    format!("Body {:?}!", body)

type Config = PayloadConfig

type Error = Error

type Future = Either<BytesExtractFut, Ready<Result<Bytes, Error>>>

impl FromRequest for HttpRequest[src]

It is possible to get HttpRequest as an extractor handler parameter


use actix_web::{web, App, HttpRequest};
use serde_derive::Deserialize;

/// extract `Thing` from request
async fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> String {
   format!("Got thing: {:?}", req)

fn main() {
    let app = App::new().service(

type Config = ()

type Error = Error

type Future = Ready<Result<Self, Error>>

impl FromRequest for Payload[src]

See here for example of usage as an extractor.

impl<L, R> FromRequest for Either<L, R> where
    L: FromRequest + 'static,
    R: FromRequest + 'static, 

See here for example of usage as an extractor.

type Error = EitherExtractError<L::Error, R::Error>

type Future = LocalBoxFuture<'static, Result<Self, Self::Error>>

type Config = ()

impl<T> FromRequest for Form<T> where
    T: DeserializeOwned + 'static, 

See here for example of usage as an extractor.

type Config = FormConfig

type Error = Error

type Future = LocalBoxFuture<'static, Result<Self, Error>>

impl<T> FromRequest for Header<T> where
    T: ParseHeader

type Error = ParseError

type Future = Ready<Result<Self, Self::Error>>

type Config = ()

impl<T> FromRequest for Json<T> where
    T: DeserializeOwned + 'static, 

See here for example of usage as an extractor.

type Error = Error

type Future = JsonExtractFut<T>

type Config = JsonConfig

impl<T> FromRequest for Path<T> where
    T: DeserializeOwned

See here for example of usage as an extractor.

type Error = Error

type Future = Ready<Result<Self, Self::Error>>

type Config = PathConfig

impl<T> FromRequest for Query<T> where
    T: DeserializeOwned

See here for example of usage as an extractor.

type Error = Error

type Future = Ready<Result<Self, Error>>

type Config = QueryConfig

impl<T: Clone + 'static> FromRequest for ReqData<T>[src]

type Config = ()

type Error = Error

type Future = Ready<Result<Self, Error>>

impl<T: ?Sized + 'static> FromRequest for Data<T>[src]

type Config = ()

type Error = Error

type Future = Ready<Result<Self, Error>>

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