Crate abscissa_core[][src]

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Abscissa is a microframework for building Rust applications (either CLI tools or network services), aiming to provide a large number of features with a minimal number of dependencies, and with a strong focus on security.


  • command-line option parsing: simple declarative option parser built on top of the gumdrop crate.
  • configuration: TOML configuration file parsing on application-defined configuration structures which can be dynamically updated at runtime.
  • error handling: unified error-handling subsystem with generic errors.
  • tracing: uses the tracing crate to provide async-aware application- level tracing.
  • secrets management: the (optional) secrets module includes a Secret type which derives serde’s Deserialize and can be used to represent secret values parsed from configuration files or elsewhere (e.g. credentials loaded from the environment or network requests)
  • terminal interactions: support for colored terminal output (with color support autodetection). Useful for Cargo-like status messages with easy-to-use macros.

Creating a new Abscissa application

The following commands will generate an Abscissa application skeleton:

$ cargo install abscissa
$ abscissa new my_cool_app

The resulting app is a Cargo project. The following files are particularly noteworthy:

  • src/ Abscissa application type for your app
  • src/commands*: application entrypoint and subcommands. Make sure to check out the example of how to make a subcommand.
  • src/ application configuration
  • src/ error types

Abscissa applications are implemented as Rust libraries, but have a src/bin subdirectory where the binary entrypoint lives. This means you can run the following within your newly generated application:

$ cargo run -- hello world

This will invoke the hello subcommand of your application (you’ll probably want to rename that in a real app) which will print the following:

Hello, world!

You can also run the following to print basic help information:

$ cargo run -- --help

Option Parser

Command-line options are parsed using the gumdrop crate.

Please see the documentation for the options module.

Status Macros

// Print a Cargo-like justified status to STDOUT
status_ok!("Loaded", "app loaded successfully");

// Print an error message
status_err!("something bad happened");

// Print an indented attribute to STDOUT
status_attr_ok!("good", "yep");

// Print an error attribute to STDERR
status_attr_err!("error", "yep");


pub extern crate tracing;
pub use crate::error::framework::FrameworkError;
pub use crate::error::framework::FrameworkErrorKind;
pub use crate::application::boot;
pub use crate::application::Application;
pub use crate::component::Component;
pub use crate::config::Config;
pub use crate::command::Command;
pub use crate::path::StandardPaths;
pub use chrono as time;
pub use fs_err as fs;
pub use secrecy as secret;


Trait for representing an Abscissa application and it’s lifecycle

Application (sub)command(s), i.e. app entry points

Application components: extensions/plugins for Abscissa applications.

Support for managing global configuration, as well as loading it from TOML.

Error types used by this crate

A map based on a B-Tree.

Paths for resources used by the application.

Core prelude: imported in every application’s

A set based on a B-Tree.

Terminal handling (TTY interactions, colors, etc)

Acceptance testing for Abscissa applications.

Thread wrapper types.

Tracing subsystem


Ensure a condition holds, returning an error if it doesn’t (ala assert)

Create and return an error with a formatted message

Terminate the application with a fatal error, running Abscissa’s shutdown hooks.

Create a new error (of a given kind) with a formatted message

Print a tab-delimited status attribute (in red if colors are enabled)

Print a tab-delimited status attribute (in green if colors are enabled)

Print an error message (in red if colors are enabled)

Print an informational status message (in cyan if colors are enabled)

Print a success status message (in green if colors are enabled)

Print a warning status message (in yellow if colors are enabled)


A map based on a B-Tree.

Wrapper type for values that contains secrets, which attempts to limit accidental exposure and ensure secrets are wiped from memory when dropped. (e.g. passwords, cryptographic keys, access tokens or other credentials)

SemVer version as defined by


Types of shutdown recognized by Abscissa


Abscissa version


Parse command-line arguments into Self.

Command type with which a configuration file is associated

Runnable is a common trait for things which can be run without any arguments.

Derive Macros

Generates the Clap implementation.