[][src]Crate abnf

A crate for parsing ABNF definitions.

This crate exposes two functions for now, rulelist and rule. The functions are designed to cover the use case, where the complete ABNF definition is provided as a string.

On success, both functions return Ok(...) with the parsed object. If the ABNF definition contains a syntax error, both functions will return Err(ParsingError). ParsingError is intended to be displayed to a user and should help correcting mistakes in the provided ABNF definition.


use abnf::rulelist;

// Note: mind the trailing newline!
match rulelist("a = b\nc = *d\n") {
    Ok(rules) => {
        for rule in &rules {
            println!("{:#?}\n", rule);
    Err(error) => eprintln!("{}", error),



This module contains error related structs.


This module contains a collection of all types in the ABNF crate. The types can be used to manually construct new rules.



Parses a single ABNF rule. Returns Ok(Rule) when everything went well and Err(ParsingError) in case of syntax errors.


Parses a list of multiple ABNF rules. Returns Ok(Vec<Rule>) when everything went well and Err(ParsingError) in case of syntax errors.