abin 0.1.6

A library for working with binaries and strings. The library tries to avoid heap-allocations / memory-copy whenever possible by automatically choosing a reasonable strategy: stack for small binaries; static-lifetime-binary or reference-counting.

A library for working with binaries and strings. The library tries to avoid heap-allocations / memory-copy whenever possible by automatically choosing a reasonable strategy: stack for small binaries; static-lifetime-binary or reference-counting. It's easy to use (no lifetimes; the binary type is sized), Send + Sync is optional (thus no synchronization overhead), provides optional serde support and has a similar API for strings and binaries. Custom binary/string types can be implemented for fine-tuning.

use std::iter::FromIterator;
use std::ops::Deref;
use abin::{AnyBin, AnyStr, Bin, BinFactory, NewBin, NewStr, Str, StrFactory};

// static binary / static string
let static_bin: Bin = NewBin::from_static("I'm a static binary, hello!".as_bytes());
let static_str: Str = NewStr::from_static("I'm a static binary, hello!");
assert_eq!(&static_bin, static_str.as_bin());
assert_eq!(static_str.as_str(), "I'm a static binary, hello!");
// non-static (but small enough to be stored on the stack)
let hello_bin: Bin = NewBin::from_iter([72u8, 101u8, 108u8, 108u8, 111u8].iter().copied());
let hello_str: Str = NewStr::copy_from_str("Hello");
assert_eq!(&hello_bin, hello_str.as_bin());
assert_eq!(hello_str.as_ref() as &str, "Hello");

// operations for binaries / strings

// length (number of bytes / number of utf-8 bytes)
assert_eq!(5, hello_bin.len());
assert_eq!(5, hello_str.len());
// is_empty
assert_eq!(false, hello_bin.is_empty());
assert_eq!(false, hello_str.is_empty());
// as_slice / as_str / deref / as_bin
assert_eq!(&[72u8, 101u8, 108u8, 108u8, 111u8], hello_bin.as_slice());
assert_eq!("Hello", hello_str.as_str());
assert_eq!("Hello", hello_str.deref());
assert_eq!(&hello_bin, hello_str.as_bin());
// slice
NewBin::from_static(&[72u8, 101u8]),
assert_eq!(NewStr::from_static("He"), hello_str.slice(0..2).unwrap());
// clone
assert_eq!(hello_bin.clone(), hello_bin);
assert_eq!(hello_str.clone(), hello_str);
// compare
assert!(NewBin::from_static(&[255u8]) > hello_bin);
assert!(NewStr::from_static("Z") > hello_str);
// convert string into binary and binary into string
let hello_bin_from_str: Bin = hello_str.clone().into_bin();
assert_eq!(hello_bin_from_str, hello_bin);
let hello_str_from_bin: Str = AnyStr::from_utf8(hello_bin.clone()).expect("invalid utf8!");
assert_eq!(hello_str_from_bin, hello_str);
// convert into Vec<u8> / String
Vec::from_iter([72u8, 101u8, 108u8, 108u8, 111u8].iter().copied()),
assert_eq!("Hello".to_owned(), hello_str.into_string());