Crate cramjam[][src]

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CramJam documentation of python exported functions for (de)compression of bytes

Although this documentation is built using Cargo/Rust toolchain, the examples and API represent the usable Python API

In general, the API follows cramjam.<<compression algorithm>>.compress and cramjam.<<compression algorithm>>.decompress as well as compress_into/decompress_into where it takes an input and output combination of any of the following:

Simple Python Example:

>>> data = b'some bytes here'
>>> compressed = cramjam.snappy.compress(data)
>>> decompressed = cramjam.snappy.decompress(compressed)
>>> assert bytes(data) == bytes(decompressed)

Example of de/compressing into different types.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from cramjam import snappy, Buffer
>>> data = np.frombuffer(b'some bytes here', dtype=np.uint8)
>>> data
array([115, 111, 109, 101,  32,  98, 121, 116, 101, 115,  32, 104, 101,
       114, 101], dtype=uint8)
>>> compressed = Buffer()
>>> snappy.compress_into(data, compressed)
33  # 33 bytes written to compressed buffer
>>> compressed.tell()  # Where is the buffer position?
33  # goodie!
>>>  # Go back to the start of the buffer so we can prepare to decompress
>>> decompressed = b'0' * len(data)  # let's write to `bytes` as output
>>> decompressed
>>> snappy.decompress_into(compressed, decompressed)
15  # 15 bytes written to decompressed
>>> decompressed
b'some bytes here'


brotli de/compression interface

deflate de/compression interface

cramjam specific Python exceptions

gzip de/compression interface

Module holds native Rust objects exposed to Python, or objects which wrap native Python objects to provide additional functionality or tighter integration with de/compression algorithms.

lz4 de/compression interface

snappy de/compression interface

zstd de/compression interface


Macro for generating the implementation of de/compression against a variant interface

Macro to convert an error into a specific Python exception.


Any possible input/output to de/compression algorithms. Typically, as a Python user, you never have to worry about this object. It’s exposed here in the documentation to see what types are acceptable for de/compression functions.


This autogenerated function is called by the python interpreter when importing the module.