Crate crabzilla[][src]

Expand description

Crabzilla provides a simple interface for running JavaScript modules alongside Rust code.


use crabzilla::*;
use std::io::stdin;

#[import_fn(name="read", scope="Stdin")]
fn read_from_stdin() -> Value {
    let mut buffer = String::new();
    println!("Type your name: ");
    stdin().read_line(&mut buffer)?;
    buffer.pop(); // Remove newline
    if buffer.is_empty() {
        throw!("Expected name!");

#[import_fn(name="sayHello", scope="Stdout")]
fn say_hello(args: Vec<Value>) {
    if let Some(string) = args.get(0) {
        if let Value::String(string) = string {
            println!("Hello, {}", string);

async fn main() {
    let mut runtime = runtime! {
    if let Err(error) = runtime.load_module("./module.js").await {
        eprintln!("{}", error);

In module.js:

const user =;


Construct a serde_json::Value from a JSON literal.

Creates a runtime object and imports a list of functions.

Throws an error with a custom message in an imported Rust function.


Represents an imported Rust function.

Represents a JavaScript runtime instance.


Represents any valid JSON value.


Receives a Rust function and returns a structure that can be imported in to a runtime.

Creates a new error with a caller-specified error class name and message.

Type Definitions

A generic wrapper that can encapsulate any concrete error type.

Attribute Macros

An attribute macro to convert Rust functions so they can be imported into a runtime. The meta attributes name and scope can be used to define the scoping of a particular when calling from javascript, for example scope = "Foo", name = "bar" would assign the function as Without a scope the function will be attached to the global object, and without a name it will be assigned with the Rust function name.