Crate crabgrab

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A cross-platform screen/window/audio capture library

§MacOS Docs

Since we depend on the metal crate, our docs won’t build for macos under’s linux containers. As a workaround, you can see our build of the docs for MacOS here: MacOS Documentation

§Feature flags

§GPU Inter-op

  • dx11 - enables retrieving the surface of a video frame and getting the DX11 device instance for the stream (Windows only)
  • dxgi - enables retrieving the surface of a video frame and getting the DXGI device instance for the stream (Windows only)
  • metal - enables retrieving the Metal textures for a video frame and getting the Metal device instance for the stream (MacOS only)
  • iosurface - enables retrieving the IOSurface for a video frame (MacOS only)
  • wgpu - enables retrieving a Wgpu texture from a video frame and getting the Wgpu device instance wrapper for the stream

§Bitmap output

  • bitmap - enables creating raw bitmap copies of frames in system memory


  • screenshot - provides an easy-to-use function wrapping CaptureStream for single-frame capture


use std::time::Duration;
use crabgrab::prelude::*;
// spin up the async runtime
let runtime = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread().build().unwrap();
// run our capture code in an async context
let future = runtime.spawn(async {
    // ensure we have priveleges to capture content
    let token = match CaptureStream::test_access(false) {
        Some(token) => token,
        None => CaptureStream::request_access(false).await.expect("Expected capture access")
    // create a filter for the windows we're interested in capturing
    let window_filter = CapturableWindowFilter {
        desktop_windows: false,
        onscreen_only: true,
    // create an overall content filter
    let filter = CapturableContentFilter { windows: Some(window_filter), displays: false };
    // get capturable content matching the filter
    let content = CapturableContent::new(filter).await.unwrap();
    // find the window we want to capture
    let window =|window| {
        let app_identifier = window.application().identifier();
        app_identifier.to_lowercase().contains("finder") || app_identifier.to_lowercase().contains("explorer")
    match window {
        Some(window) => {
            println!("capturing window: {}", window.title()); 
            // create a captuere config using the first supported pixel format
            let config = CaptureConfig::with_window(window, CaptureStream::supported_pixel_formats()[0]).unwrap();
            // create a capture stream with an event handler callback
            let mut stream = CaptureStream::new(token, config, |stream_event| {
                match stream_event {
                    Ok(event) => {
                        match event {
                            StreamEvent::Video(frame) => {
                                println!("Got frame: {}", frame.frame_id());
                            _ => {}
                    Err(error) => {
                        println!("Stream error: {:?}", error);
            // wait for a while to capture some frames
            tokio::task::block_in_place(|| std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(4000)));
        None => { println!("Failed to find window"); }
// wait for the future to complete
// shutdown the async runtime
