Module crabchess::positions

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This module houses the ChessPosition struct, which holds the state of a game of chess, including its move history, clock history, PGN fields, and status.



  • Castling rights and initial squares tracking.
  • Initial position records.
  • Representations and methods for modeling and manipulating a chess move.
  • Halfmove and fullmove tracking.
  • This module exposes an incremental chess timer which can be used to track a chess player’s time remaining and move history and read and format PGN-style clock annotations.
  • This module contains the Turn struct, which is used to track whose turn it is in a game of chess.


  • The ChessPosition struct holds all of the data and metadata needed to analyze a game of chess.
  • Builder struct for ChessPosition.


  • Represents the status of a game of chess. Colors associated with Checkmate, Resignation, and Timeout refer to the victor.
  • Enum representing whether or not a move is pseudolegal.