Macro crabchess::test_move

source ·
macro_rules! test_move {
    ( $brd:expr, $m:expr, $closure:expr ) => { ... };
Expand description

Test a move on a ChessPosition without actually changing its state.


Invoking this macro will panic if the move cannot be applied to the board, i.e. if ChessPosition::apply_legal_move returns an error.


use crabchess::{
    positions::{ChessPosition, moves::Move},
    sq, pieces::Color::White, test_move

let mut position = ChessPosition::new();
let m = Move::read_san("Nf3", &mut position).unwrap();

let is_check = test_move!(position, m, |tp: ChessPosition| tp.is_threatened(sq!(E1), White));
