Crate crab_dlna

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crab-dlna is a minimal UPnP/DLNA media streamer.

It allows you to play a local video file in your TV (or any other DLNA compatible device).

This crate provides both a library and a command line tool.


  • Searching available DLNA devices in the local network
  • Streaming audio
  • Streaming video, with subtitle support

Example: discover and list devices

crab-dlna provides a function to discover a list devices in the network.

use crab_dlna::Render;

async fn main() {
    let discover_timeout_secs = 5;
    let renders_discovered = Render::discover(discover_timeout_secs).await.unwrap();
    for render in renders_discovered {
        println!("{}", render);

Example: play a video in a render

We can specify a DLNA device render trough a query string, and then play a certain video in it, automatically detecting the subtitle file.

use std::path::PathBuf;
use crab_dlna::{

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let discover_timeout_secs = 5;
    let render_spec = RenderSpec::Query(discover_timeout_secs, "Kodi".to_string());
    let render = Render::new(render_spec).await?;
    let host_ip = get_local_ip().await?;
    let host_port = STREAMING_PORT_DEFAULT;
    let video_path = PathBuf::from("/home/crab/Videos/my_video.mp4");
    let inferred_subtitle_path = infer_subtitle_from_video(&video_path);
    let media_streaming_server = MediaStreamingServer::new(
    play(render, media_streaming_server).await

Technical Details

crab-dlna is basically a one-file DLNA MediaServer and a self DLNA MediaController.

How does list work?

  1. Issue an SSDP M-Search broadcast message in the network
  2. Capture the responses and register the devices
  3. Filter only devices that provide UPnP’s AVTransport service

How does play work?

  1. Setup an HTTP server to provide the media files to be streamed (including subtitles)
  2. Send a SetAVTransportURI message to the device, specifying the HTTP URLs of the media files
  3. Send a Play message to the device


  • Command line interface



  • Errors that can happen inside crab-dlna
  • An specification of a DLNA render device.



  • Identifies the local serve IP address.
  • Infer the subtitle file path from the video file path.
  • Plays a media file in a DLNA compatible device render, according to the render and media streaming server provided