Module cosmrs::tx

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Cosmos SDK transaction support.


The Cosmos SDK defines a standard transaction format used by blockchain applications built on the SDK.

Transactions are comprised of metadata held in contexts and Msgs that trigger state changes within a module through the module’s Msg service.

When users want to interact with an application and make state changes (e.g. sending coins), they create transactions. Each of a transaction’s Msgs must be signed using the private key associated with the appropriate account(s), before the transaction is broadcasted to the network.

A transaction must then be included in a block, validated, and approved by the network through the consensus process.


The following example illustrates how to build, sign, and parse a Cosmos SDK transaction:

use cosmrs::{
    tx::{self, Fee, Msg, SignDoc, SignerInfo, Tx},
    AccountId, Coin

// Generate sender private key.
// In real world usage, this account would need to be funded before use.
let sender_private_key = secp256k1::SigningKey::random();
let sender_public_key = sender_private_key.public_key();
let sender_account_id = sender_public_key.account_id("cosmos")?;

// Parse recipient address from Bech32.
let recipient_account_id = "cosmos19dyl0uyzes4k23lscla02n06fc22h4uqsdwq6z"

// Building transactions //

// We'll be doing a simple send transaction.
// First we'll create a "Coin" amount to be sent, in this case 1 million uatoms.
let amount = Coin {
    amount: 1_000_000u128,
    denom: "uatom".parse()?,

// Next we'll create a send message (from the "bank" module) for the coin
// amount we created above.
let msg_send = MsgSend {
    from_address: sender_account_id.clone(),
    to_address: recipient_account_id,
    amount: vec![amount.clone()],

// Transaction metadata: chain, account, sequence, gas, fee, timeout, and memo.
let chain_id = "cosmoshub-4".parse()?;
let account_number = 1;
let sequence_number = 0;
let gas = 100_000u64;
let timeout_height = 9001u16;
let memo = "example memo";

// Create transaction body from the MsgSend, memo, and timeout height.
let tx_body = tx::Body::new(vec![msg_send.to_any()?], memo, timeout_height);

// Create signer info from public key and sequence number.
// This uses a standard "direct" signature from a single signer.
let signer_info = SignerInfo::single_direct(Some(sender_public_key), sequence_number);

// Compute auth info from signer info by associating a fee.
let auth_info = signer_info.auth_info(Fee::from_amount_and_gas(amount, gas));

// Signing transactions //

// The "sign doc" contains a message to be signed.
let sign_doc = SignDoc::new(&tx_body, &auth_info, &chain_id, account_number)?;

// Sign the "sign doc" with the sender's private key, producing a signed raw transaction.
let tx_signed = sign_doc.sign(&sender_private_key)?;

// Serialize the raw transaction as bytes (i.e. `Vec<u8>`).
let tx_bytes = tx_signed.to_bytes()?;

// Parsing transactions //

// Parse the serialized bytes from above into a `cosmrs::Tx`
let tx_parsed = Tx::from_bytes(&tx_bytes)?;
assert_eq!(tx_parsed.body, tx_body);
assert_eq!(tx_parsed.auth_info, auth_info);




  • AuthInfo describes the fee and signer modes that are used to sign a transaction.
  • Body of a transaction that all signers sign over.
  • Transaction Body builder which simplifies incrementally assembling and signing a transaction.
  • The core error reporting type of the library, a wrapper around a dynamic error reporting type.
  • Fee includes the amount of coins paid in fees and the maximum gas to be used by the transaction.
  • Raw transaction
  • SignDoc is the type used for generating sign bytes for SIGN_MODE_DIRECT.
  • SignerInfo describes the public key and signing mode of a single top-level signer.
  • Tx is the standard type used for broadcasting transactions.



Type Definitions