Macro corundum::pool[][src]

macro_rules! pool {
    ($name:ident) => { ... };

This macro creates a new pool module and aliases for persistent types. It generates type BuddyAlloc which a persistent allocator type. It is recommended to alias the BuddyAlloc type for tidiness.

The aliased types are


To associate a single pool to the program, it is enough to define a pool type using this macro.

use my_alloc::*;
type P = BuddyAlloc;
let _pool = P::open_no_root("p.pool", O_CF).unwrap();
P::transaction(|j| {
    let temp = Pbox::new(10, j);

If multiple pools are needed, multiple pool modules can be defined and used.

use corundum::alloc::heap::*;
type P1 = pool1::BuddyAlloc;
type P2 = pool2::BuddyAlloc;
let _p1 = P1::open_no_root("p1.pool", O_CF).unwrap();
let _p2 = P2::open_no_root("p2.pool", O_CF).unwrap();
P1::transaction(|j1| {
    let temp = pool1::Pbox::new(10, j1);
    P2::transaction(|j2| {
        let temp = pool2::Pbox::new(20, j2);