Module cortex_m_rtfm::examples::_5_late_resources [] [src]

Demonstrates initialization of resources in init.

extern crate cortex_m_rtfm as rtfm;
extern crate stm32f103xx;
use rtfm::{app, Threshold};
app! {
    device: stm32f103xx,
    resources: {
        // Usually, resources are initialized with a constant initializer:
        static ON: bool = false;
        // However, there are cases where this is not possible or not desired.
        // For example, there may not be a sensible value to use, or the type may
        // not be constructible in a constant (like `Vec`).
        // While it is possible to use an `Option` in some cases, that requires
        // you to properly initialize it and `.unwrap()` it at every use. It
        // also consumes more memory.
        // To solve this, it is possible to defer initialization of resources to
        // `init` by omitting the initializer. Doing that will require `init` to
        // return the values of all "late" resources.
        static IP_ADDRESS: u32;
        // PORT is used by 2 tasks, making it a shared resource. This just tests
        // another internal code path and is not important for the example.
        static PORT: u16;
    idle: {
        // Test that late resources can be used in idle
        resources: [IP_ADDRESS],
    tasks: {
        SYS_TICK: {
            priority: 1,
            path: sys_tick,
            resources: [IP_ADDRESS, PORT, ON],
        EXTI0: {
            priority: 2,
            path: exti0,
            resources: [PORT],
// The signature of `init` is now required to have a specific return type.
fn init(_p: init::Peripherals, _r: init::Resources) -> init::LateResources {
    // `init::Resources` does not contain `IP_ADDRESS`, since it is not yet
    // initialized.
    //_r.IP_ADDRESS;     // doesn't compile
    // ...obtain value for IP_ADDRESS from EEPROM/DHCP...
    let ip_address = 0x7f000001;
    init::LateResources {
        // This struct will contain fields for all resources with omitted
        // initializers.
        IP_ADDRESS: ip_address,
        PORT: 0,
fn sys_tick(_t: &mut Threshold, r: SYS_TICK::Resources) {
    // Other tasks can access late resources like any other, since they are
    // guaranteed to be initialized when tasks are run.
fn exti0(_t: &mut Threshold, _r: EXTI0::Resources) {}
fn idle(_t: &mut Threshold, _r: idle::Resources) -> ! {
    loop {