macro_rules! parse_generics_and_where {
        $(:: $(@$leading:tt@)? )? $first:ident $(:: $trailing:ident)* ! $prefix:tt

    ) => { ... };
Available on crate feature generics_parsing only.
Expand description

For writing macros that parse item definitions, with the generic parameters transformed for use in type definitions, impl blocks and generic arguments.



Basic example of the syntax this macro expects and passes to a callback macro.

For a more realistic example you can look at the one below

use core_extensions::parse_generics_and_where;
    assert_eq!(hello(), "world")
// `parse_generics_and_where` calls `crate::foo` here
parse_generics_and_where! {
        // The first tokens passed to the `crate::foo` macro
        hello "world" foo bar 
        // The parsed tokens, in this case it's for a tuple struct.
        <'a, T: Foo = A, const N: usize>
        (Foo, Bar, Baz)
            T: Bar;
macro_rules! foo {
        $fn_name:ident $string:literal foo bar

        // generics for use in type/trait declarations
        ('a, T: Foo + = $default_ty:ty, const N: $const_ty0:ty,)

        // generics for use in `impl<...>`, and function`declarations
        ('a, T: Foo + , const N: $const_ty1:ty,)

        // generics for use in generic arguments
        ('a, T, N,)

        // `PhantomData` type that uses all lifetimes and types

        // before the where clause
        ((Foo, Bar, Baz))

        // inside the where clause, this always has a trailing comma
        (T: Bar,)

        // after the where clause
        ( ; )
    ) => {
        fn $fn_name() -> &'static str {

Struct constructor

This demonstrates how you can parse a generic struct, to make a constructor function for it.

use core_extensions::parse_generics_and_where;
with_constructor! {
    /// This is Foo
    #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
    pub struct Foo<T = u32> 
        T: Copy,    
        foo: T,
        bar: [T; 2],
    let bar: Foo = Foo::new(3, [5, 8]);
    assert_eq!(bar, Foo{foo: 3, bar: [5, 8]});
    let baz: Foo<&'static str> = Foo::new("13", ["21", "34"]);
    assert_eq!(baz, Foo{foo: "13", bar: ["21", "34"]});
macro_rules! with_constructor {
        struct $struct_name:ident $($remaining:tt)*
    ) => {
            $crate::__priv_with_constructor! {
macro_rules! __priv_with_constructor {
        (/* if this was a tuple struct, it'd get passed the fields here */)
                $(#[$fattr:meta])* $fvis:vis $fname:ident : $fty:ty ,
    ) => {
        $vis struct $struct_name <$($struct_generics)*>
        where $($where)*
            $(#[$fattr])* $fvis $fname : $fty ,
        impl<$($impl_gen)*> $struct_name<$($gen_args)*>
            $vis fn new($($fname: $fty),*) -> Self {
                Self{ $($fname),* }