failed to build convertible-0.0.1
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Checked, typesafe, ergonomic runtime conversion of types.


Defines the Convertible<From> trait, which defines a convert method from &From to Option<Self>.

Additionally, it defines the universal mixin trait Raw, which adds the to method to all types to allow for ergonomic usage of these conversions.

This can be used to implement extensible enums based on a raw representation that variants can be created from


use convertible::{Convertible, Raw};

struct Raw {
    name: &'static str

#[deriving(PartialEq, Show)]
enum NotRaw {
    First, Second, Third

impl Convertible<Raw> for NotRaw {
    fn convert(raw: &Raw) -> Option<NotRaw> {
        match {
            "first" => Some(First),
            "second" => Some(Second),
            "third" => Some(Third),
            _ => None

#[test] fn test_conversion() {
    let first = Raw { name: "first" };
    let second = Raw { name: "second" };
    let malformed = Raw { name: "malformed" };

    assert_eq!(<NotRaw>(), Some(First));
    assert_eq!(<NotRaw>(), Some(Second));
    assert_eq!(<NotRaw>(), None);