initSidebarItems({"enum":[["FloatError","Indicates that a conversion from a floating point type failed."],["GeneralError","A general error enumeration that subsumes all other conversion errors."],["GeneralErrorKind","A general error enumeration that subsumes all other conversion errors, but discards all input payloads the errors may be carrying."],["NoError","Indicates that it is not possible for the conversion to fail."],["RangeError","Indicates that a conversion failed due to a range error."],["RangeErrorKind","Indicates that a conversion failed due to a range error."]],"struct":[["NegOverflow","Indicates that the conversion failed due to a negative overflow."],["PosOverflow","Indicates that the conversion failed due to a positive overflow."],["Unrepresentable","Indicates that the conversion failed because the value was not representable."]],"trait":[["Saturate","Saturates a `Result`."],["UnwrapOk","Safely unwrap a `Result` that cannot contain an error."],["UnwrapOrInf","Unwrap a conversion by saturating to infinity."],["UnwrapOrInvalid","Unwrap a conversion by replacing a failure with an invalid sentinel value."],["UnwrapOrSaturate","Unwrap a conversion by saturating."]]});