Expand description

Contrast is a web-gpu based 2D render engine written in Rust.


pub extern crate geometric_algebra;
pub extern crate ttf_parser;
pub extern crate wgpu;


2D convex hull algorithms

Various math helper functions to work with bezier curves.

Error handling

Defining the geometry and rendering options of Paths

Solving polynomials up to degree 4

Rendering of Paths bundeled in Shapes using a Renderer

Floats which are guaranteed to be finite (no NaNs or Infinity)

(Optional) Working with font faces, converting glyphs and text to Paths

Miscellaneous utility and helper functions


Concats the given sequence of Buffers and serializes them into a Vec<u8>

Like vec! but for HashMap

Like vec! but for HashSet

Like matches! but returns an option of the matched value