containerd-shim-wasm 0.6.0

Library for building containerd shims for wasm failed to build containerd-shim-wasm-0.6.0
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A library to help build containerd shims for wasm workloads.


use containerd_shim as shim;
use containerd_shim_wasm::sandbox::{ShimCli, Instance, Nop}

fn main() {
    shim::run::<ShimCli<Nop>>("io.containerd.nop.v1", opts);

The above example uses the built-in Nop instance which does nothing. You can build your own instance by implementing the Instance trait.

use containerd_shim as shim;
use containerd_shim_wasm::sandbox::{ShimCli, Instance}

struct MyInstance {
 // ...

impl Instance for MyInstance {
    // ...

fn main() {
    shim::run::<ShimCli<MyInstance>>("io.containerd.myshim.v1", opts);

containerd expects the shim binary to be installed into $PATH (as seen by the containerd process) with a binary name like containerd-shim-myshim-v1 which maps to the io.containerd.myshim.v1 runtime which would need to be configured in containerd. It (containerd) also supports specifying a path to the shim binary but needs to be configured to do so.

This crate is not tied to any specific wasm engine.