Macro constmuck::IsTW[][src]

macro_rules! IsTW {
    () => { ... };
    ($Outer : ty $(,) *) => { ... };
    ($Outer : ty, $Inner : ty $(,) *) => { ... };
Expand description

Constructs an IsTransparentWrapper<$Outer, $Inner>, requiring that $Outer implements TransparentWrapper<$Inner>.

This has two optional type arguments ($Outer and $Inner) that default to infering the type if not passed.


constmuck::wrapper functions

use constmuck::{IsTW, wrapper};

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Foo<T>(pub T);

unsafe impl<T> constmuck::TransparentWrapper<T> for Foo<T> {}

    // Transmute `ì8` to `Foo<i8>`
    const WRAP_VAL_ONE: Foo<i8> = wrapper::wrap(3, IsTW!());
    assert_eq!(WRAP_VAL_ONE, Foo(3));
    assert_eq!(wrapper::wrap(3, IsTW!(Foo<i8>)), Foo(3));
    assert_eq!(wrapper::wrap(3, IsTW!(Foo<i8>, i8)), Foo(3));
    // Transmute `[u8; 3]` to `[Foo<u8>; 3]`
    // The `.array()` is currently required to cast arrays of values into arrays of
    // wrappers around those values.
    const WRAP_VAL_ARR: [Foo<u8>; 3] = wrapper::wrap([5, 8, 13], IsTW!(Foo<u8>, u8).array());
    assert_eq!(WRAP_VAL_ARR, [Foo(5), Foo(8), Foo(13)]);
        wrapper::wrap([5, 8, 13], IsTW!(Foo<u8>, u8).array()),
        [Foo(5), Foo(8), Foo(13)],
        wrapper::wrap([5, 8, 13], IsTW!(Foo<u8>, u8).array()),
        [Foo(5), Foo(8), Foo(13)],
    // Transmute `&i8` to `&Foo<i8>`
    const WRAP_REF_ONE: &Foo<i8> = wrapper::wrap_ref(&3, IsTW!());
    assert_eq!(WRAP_REF_ONE, &Foo(3));
    // Transmute `&[u8; 3]` to `&[Foo<u8>; 3]`
    const WRAP_REF_ARR: &[Foo<u8>; 3] = wrapper::wrap_ref(&[5, 8, 13], IsTW!().array());
    assert_eq!(WRAP_REF_ARR, &[Foo(5), Foo(8), Foo(13)]);
    // Transmute `&[i8]` to `&[Foo<i8>]`
    const WRAP_SLICE: &[Foo<i8>] = wrapper::wrap_slice(&[21, 34, 55], IsTW!());
    assert_eq!(WRAP_SLICE, &[Foo(21), Foo(34), Foo(55)]);