Macro constmuck::IsCopy[][src]

macro_rules! IsCopy {
    () => { ... };
    ($T : ty) => { ... };
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Constructs an IsCopy<$T>, requires $T:Pod for reasons explained in the bound section.

This has an optional type argument ($T) that defaults to infering the type if not passed.

This macro is defined for completeness’ sake, no function in this crate takes IsCopy by itself, always a TypeSize<T, IsCopy<T>, _>, which can be constructed with the TypeSize macro.

Related: the copying module


use constmuck::{IsCopy, TypeSize, copying};

const FOO: IsCopy<u32> = IsCopy!();
assert_eq!(copying::copy(&100u32, TypeSize!(u32).with_bounds(FOO)), 100);
// the typical way to call `copying::copy`.
assert_eq!(copying::copy(&100u32, TypeSize!(u32)), 100);

const BAR: IsCopy<[u8; 4]> = IsCopy!([u8; 4]);
let arr = [3, 5, 8, 13];
assert_eq!(copying::copy(&arr, TypeSize!([u8; 4]).with_bounds(BAR)), arr);
// the typical way to call `copying::copy`.
assert_eq!(copying::copy(&arr, TypeSize!([u8; 4])), arr);