macro_rules! inline_macro {
        $(($($args:tt)*)),* $(,)?;
    ) => { ... };
Available on crate feature non_basic only.
Expand description

Helper macro for defining and using a macro_rules! macro inline.

The reason this was defined is to work around a limitation in stable const-eval, where you can’t call methods on generic types.


Implementing panic formatting for a generic struct with flatten_panicvals.

use const_panic::{
    fmt::{self, ComputePvCount, FmtArg},
    ArrayString, PanicFmt, PanicVal, flatten_panicvals, inline_macro,

// Debug formatting
    const_panic::concat_!(FmtArg::DEBUG; Foo(10, 20)),
    "Foo(10, 20)"

// Alternate-Debug formatting
    const_panic::concat_!(FmtArg::ALT_DEBUG; Foo(false, true)),
        "    false,\n",
        "    true,\n",

// Display formatting
    const_panic::concat_!(FmtArg::DISPLAY; Foo("hmm", "what?")),
    "Foo(hmm, what?)"

struct Foo<T>(T, T);

impl<T> PanicFmt for Foo<T>
    T: PanicFmt,
    type This = Self;
    type Kind = const_panic::IsCustomType;

    const PV_COUNT: usize = ComputePvCount{
        field_amount: 2,
        summed_pv_count: T::PV_COUNT * 2,
        delimiter: fmt::TypeDelim::Tupled,

// Because of limitations of stable const evaluation,
// this macro only implements panic formatting for
// - `Foo<bool>`
// - `Foo<u8>`
// - `Foo<&str>`
    (bool), (u8), (&str);
    impl Foo<$T> {
        const fn to_panicvals(&self, fmtarg: FmtArg) -> [PanicVal<'_>; Foo::<$T>::PV_COUNT] {
            flatten_panicvals! {fmtarg;
                open: fmt::OpenParen,
                    $T => self.0, fmt::COMMA_SEP,
                    $T => self.1, fmt::COMMA_TERM,
                close: fmt::CloseParen,