Macro const_base::encode

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macro_rules! encode {
    ($slice:expr, $config:expr $(,)*) => { ... };
Expand description

Encodes the $slice constant into a &'static ArrayStr<LEN>, with the encoding determined by $config.

$slice can be a &'static str, &'static [u8; N], or &'static [u8].

There’s also the encode_as_str macro for getting a &'static str. encode_as_str is just an alias for encode!(...).as_str().


Base 64

use const_base::{encode, ArrayStr, Config};

    const OUT: &ArrayStr<4> = encode!("bar", Config::B64);
    assert_eq!(OUT, "YmFy");
    const BYTES: &[u8] = b"world";

    // this macro can encode non-literal constants
    const OUT: &[u8; 8] = encode!(BYTES, Config::B64_URL_SAFE).as_array();
    const OUT_STR: &str = encode!(BYTES, Config::B64_URL_SAFE).as_str();
    assert_eq!(OUT, b"d29ybGQ=");
    assert_eq!(OUT_STR, "d29ybGQ=");

Base 32

use const_base::{encode, Config};

const OUT: &str = encode!(&[3, 5, 8], Config::B32).as_str();
assert_eq!(OUT, "AMCQQ===");

Base 32

use const_base::{encode, Config};

const OUT: &str = encode!(&[3, 5, 8], Config::B32).as_str();
assert_eq!(OUT, "AMCQQ===");


use const_base::{encode, Config};

const LOWER: &str = encode!(&[0xB0, 0x01], Config::HEX_LOWER).as_str();
const UPPER: &str = encode!(&[0xB0, 0x01], Config::HEX).as_str();
assert_eq!(LOWER, "b001");
assert_eq!(UPPER, "B001");