Macro cons::cons [] [src]

macro_rules! cons {
    () => { ... };
    ($h:expr) => { ... };
    ($h:expr, $t:expr) => { ... };

Macro for prepending an element to the front of a ConsList.


#[macro_use] extern crate cons;
extern crate cons_list;

use cons_list::ConsList;

// Create an empty ConsList
let list: ConsList<i32> = cons!();
assert_eq!(list, ConsList::<i32>::new());

// Create a ConsList with one element
let list = cons!(1);
assert_eq!(list, ConsList::new().append(1));

// Prepend an element to a ConList
let head = "Hello";
let tail = cons!("World");
let list = cons!(head, tail);
assert_eq!(list, ConsList::new().append("World").append("Hello"));