initSidebarItems({"struct":[["ButtonClicks","An `Iterator` yielding all mouse `button` clicks occuring within the given sequence of `widget::Click`s."],["ButtonDrags","An `Iterator` yielding all mouse `button` drags occuring within the given sequence of `widget::Drag`s."],["Clicks","An `Iterator` yielding all mouse clicks occuring within the given sequence of `widget::Event`s."],["Drags","An iterator that yields all `event::Drag` events yielded by the `Events` iterator."],["Events","An iterator yielding all events that are relevant to a specific widget."],["Mouse","A view of the `input::state::Mouse` that is specific to a single widget."],["Scrolls","An iterator that yields all `Scroll` events yielded by the given `Events` iterator."],["Texts","An iterator that yields all `Input::Text` events yielded by the `Events` iterator."],["Widget","Provides only events and input state that are relevant to a specific widget."]]});