initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Button","The different kinds of `Button`s that may be `Press`ed or `Release`d."],["Event","Enum containing all the events that the `Ui` may provide."],["Input","Models input events."],["Motion","Models different kinds of motion."],["Ui","Represents all events interpreted by the `Ui`."],["Widget","Events that apply to a specific widget."]],"struct":[["Click","Contains all the relevant information for a mouse click."],["DoubleClick","Contains all the relevant information for a double click."],["Drag","Contains all the relevant information for a mouse drag."],["Move","Contains all relevant information for a Motion event."],["Press","Contains all relevant information for a Press event."],["Release","Contains all relevant information for a Release event."],["Scroll","Holds all the relevant information about a scroll event"],["Text","Contains all relevant information for a Text event."]]});