initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Color","Color supporting RGB and HSL variants."],["Gradient","Linear or Radial Gradient."]],"fn":[["black","Straight Black."],["blue","Sky Blue - Regular - #3465A4"],["brown","Chocolate - Regular - #C17D11"],["charcoal","Charcoal - Regular - #555753"],["dark_blue","Sky Blue - Dark - #204A87"],["dark_brown","Chocolate - Dark - #8F5902"],["dark_charcoal","Charcoal - Dark - #2E3436"],["dark_gray","Alluminium - Dark"],["dark_green","Chameleon - Dark - #4E9A06"],["dark_grey","Aluminium - Dark - #BABDB6"],["dark_orange","Orange - Dark - #CE5C00"],["dark_purple","Plum - Dark - #5C3566"],["dark_red","Scarlet Red - Dark - #A30000"],["dark_yellow","Butter - Dark - #C4A000"],["f32_to_byte","Convert an f32 color to a byte."],["gray","Alluminium - Regular"],["grayscale","Produce a gray based on the input. 0.0 is white, 1.0 is black."],["green","Chameleon - Regular - #73D216"],["grey","Aluminium - Regular - #D3D7CF"],["greyscale","Produce a gray based on the input. 0.0 is white, 1.0 is black."],["hsl","Create HSL colors. This gives you access to colors more like a color wheel, where all hues are arranged in a circle that you specify with radians."],["hsl_to_rgb","Pure function for converting hsl to rgb."],["hsla","Create HSL colors with an alpha component for transparency."],["light_blue","Sky Blue - Light - #729FCF"],["light_brown","Chocolate - Light - #E9B96E"],["light_charcoal","Charcoal - Light - #888A85"],["light_gray","Alluminium - Light"],["light_green","Chameleon - Light - #8AE234"],["light_grey","Aluminium - Light - #EEEEEC"],["light_orange","Orange - Light - #FCAF3E"],["light_purple","Plum - Light - #AD7FA8"],["light_red","Built-in colors."],["light_yellow","Butter - Light - #FCE94F"],["linear","Create a linear gradient."],["orange","Orange - Regular - #F57900"],["purple","Plum - Regular - #75507B"],["radial","Create a radial gradient."],["random","Construct a random color."],["red","Scarlet Red - Regular - #CC0000"],["rgb","Create RGB colors from numbers between 0.0 and 1.0."],["rgb_bytes","Create RGB colors from numbers between 0 and 255 inclusive."],["rgb_to_hsl","Pure function for converting rgb to hsl."],["rgba","Create RGB colors with an alpha component for transparency. The alpha component is specified with numbers between 0 and 1."],["rgba_bytes","Create RGB colors from numbers between 0 and 255 inclusive. The alpha component is specified with numbers between 0 and 1."],["white","Straight White."],["yellow","Butter - Regular - #EDD400"]],"struct":[["Hsla","The parts of HSL along with an alpha for transparency."],["Rgba","The parts of RGB along with an alpha for transparency."]],"trait":[["Colorable","Types that can be colored."]],"type":[["Colour",""]]});