initSidebarItems({"struct":[["Features","This data type is used to represent features on a `Token`. In the CoNLL-X specification, these are morphological features of the token. However, they are used as a free form list or mapping of features."],["PartitioningWriter","A writer for CoNLL-X sentences that partitions incoming objects among multiple writers."],["Reader",""],["Sentence","A sentence consists of zero or more `Token`s. It is a small wrapper around `Vec` that provides some extra convenience. For example, the implementation of the `Display` trait outputs the sentence in CoNLL-X format."],["Sentences","Sentences is an iterator over the sentences in a `Reader`."],["Token","A token in the CoNLL-X dependency format."],["TokenBuilder","A builder for `Token`s."],["Writer","A writer for CoNLL-X sentences. This writer will write sentences to the embedded writer in CoNLL-X tabular format."]],"trait":[["ReadSentence",""],["WriteSentence","A trait for objects that can write CoNLL-X `Sentence`s."]]});