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The claim_proofs library contains API for generating claim proofs and verifying them as part of the Asset Granularity Unique Identity project.



  • The pedersen_commitments library contains helper API for producing DID and Claim labels for Asset Granularity Unique Identity project.


  • The data needed to generate a CDD ID.
  • A Ristretto point, in compressed wire format.
  • An Schnorrkel/Ristretto x25519 (“sr25519”) key pair. This is the construct that the investors will use to generate claim proofs.
  • An Schnorrkel/Ristretto x25519 (“sr25519”) public key. This is the construct that the blockchain validator will use for claim proof validation.
  • The Scalar struct holds an integer \(s < 2^{255} \) which represents an element of \(\mathbb Z / \ell\).
  • The data needed to generate a SCOPE ID.
  • The data needed to generate a proof that a SCOPE ID matches a CDD ID
