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Definitions and functionality related to chain updates.


  • A module that provides helpers for constructing and signing update instructions.


  • And access structure for performing chain updates. The access structure is only meaningful in the context of a list of update keys to which the indices refer to.
  • Access structures for each of the different possible chain updates, togehter with the context giving all the possible keys.
  • Access structures for each of the different possible chain updates, togehter with the context giving all the possible keys.
  • Parameters related to becoming a baker that apply to protocol versions 1-3.
  • Finalization committee parameters. These parameters control which bakers are in the finalization committee.
  • The reward fractions related to the gas account and inclusion of special transactions.
  • The reward fractions related to the gas account and inclusion of special transactions. Introduce for protocol version 6.
  • Either root, level1, or level 2 access structure. They all have the same structure, keys and a threshold. The phantom type parameter is used for added type safety to distinguish different access structures in different contexts.
  • Parameters related to staking pools. This applies to protocol version 4 and up.
  • A generic protocol update. This is essentially an announcement of the update. The details of the update will be communicated in some off-chain way, and bakers will need to update their node software to support the update.
  • Length of a reward period in epochs. Must always be a strictly positive integer.
  • The time parameters are introduced as of protocol version 4, and consist of the reward period length and the mint rate per payday. These are coupled as a change to either affects the overall rate of minting.
  • Parameters controlling consensus timeouts for the consensus protocol version 2.
  • Update the transaction fee distribution to the specified value.
  • A header common to all update instructions.
  • Signature of an update instruction.


  • An update with level 1 keys of either level 1 or level 2 keys. Each of the updates must be a separate transaction.
  • Error type for when constructing TimeoutParameters.
  • An update with root keys of some other set of governance keys, or the root keys themselves. Each update is a separate transaction.
  • The type of an update payload.
  • Enumeration of the types of updates that are possible.


Type Aliases§

  • A mapping of chain parameter versions to authorization versions.