Attribute Macros

  • If wasm-test feature of concordium-std is enabled ignore the item, this usually happens when executing tests with cargo-concordium utility. Otherwise this is equivalent to #[cfg(not(test))]. Use as a dual to #[concordium_cfg_test].
  • Sets the cfg for testing targeting either Wasm and native.
  • Derive the appropriate export for an annotated test function, when feature “wasm-test” is enabled, otherwise behaves like #[test].
  • Derive the appropriate export for an annotated init function.
  • Derive the appropriate export for an annotated receive function.

Derive Macros

  • Derive the Deletable trait. See the documentation of derive(Deletable) for details and limitations.
  • Derive the DeserialWithState trait. See the documentation of derive(Deserial) for details and limitations.
  • Derive the conversion of enums that represent error types into the Reject struct which can be used as the error type of init and receive functions. Creating custom enums for error types can provide meaningful error messages to the user of the smart contract.
  • Derive the SchemaType trait for a type. If the feature build-schema is not enabled this is a no-op, i.e., it does not produce any code.
  • Derive the StateClone trait. See the documentation of derive(StateClone) for details and limitations.