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§Concordium Smart Contract Testing

This library supports writing integration tests in Rust for Concordium smart contracts.

To use the library, you must add it to your Cargo.toml file under the [dev-dependencies] section. The library requries the rust edition 2021 or greater.

# ...
edition = "2021"

concordium-smart-contract-testing = "4.0"

§Basic usage

use concordium_smart_contract_testing::*;

// Create a "chain" with default parameters.
let mut chain = Chain::new();

// Define an account address to be used.
const ACC: AccountAddress = AccountAddress([0;32]);

// Create an account with 10000 CCD in balance.
chain.create_account(Account::new(ACC, Amount::from_ccd(1000)));

// Deploy a smart contract module (built with [Cargo Concordium](https://developer.concordium.software/en/mainnet/smart-contracts/guides/setup-tools.html#cargo-concordium)).
let deployment = chain

// Initialize a smart contract from the deployed module.
let initialization = chain
        Signer::with_one_key(), // Used for specifying the number of signatures.
        ACC, // Invoker account.
        Energy::from(10000), // Maximum energy allowed for initializing.
        InitContractPayload {
            mod_ref: deployment.module_reference, // Module to initialize from.
            init_name: OwnedContractName::new_unchecked("init_my_contract".into()), // Contract to init.
            param: OwnedParameter::from_serial(&"my_param").unwrap(), // Any type implementing [`Serial`] can be used.
            amount: Amount::zero(), // CCD to send the contract.

// Update the initialized contract.
let update = chain
        Signer::with_one_key(), // Used for specifying the number of signatures.
        ACC, // Invoker account.
        Address::Account(ACC), // Sender (can also be a contract).
        Energy::from(10000),  // Maximum energy allowed for the update.
        UpdateContractPayload {
            address: initialization.contract_address, // The contract to update.
            receive_name: OwnedReceiveName::new_unchecked("my_contract.my_entrypoint".into()), // The receive function to call.
            message: OwnedParameter::from_serial(&42u8).unwrap(), // The parameter sent to the contract.
            amount: Amount::from_ccd(100), // Sending the contract 100 CCD.

// Check the trace elements produced (updates, interrupts, resumes, transfers, etc.).
assert!(matches!(update.effective_trace_elements().collect::<Vec<_>>()[..], [ContractTraceElement::Updated{..}]));

// Check the return value.
assert_eq!(update.return_value, to_bytes(&84u8));

// Check the balances of both contracts and accounts.
assert_eq!(chain.contract_balance(initialization.contract_address), Some(Amount::from_ccd(100)));
assert_eq!(chain.account_balance_available(ACC), Some(
    - Amount::from_ccd(100) // Amount sent to contract.
    - deployment.transaction_fee
    - initialization.transaction_fee
    - update.transaction_fee));


  • We expose the PublicKey, SecretKey, and Signature from the third-party ed25519_dalek crate here because these types appear in Concordium’s API.




  • A trait implemented by types which can extract debug information from contract receive entrypoint executions.


  • Dual to to_bytes.
  • Return whether execution is running under cargo concordium test with debugging enabled.
  • Load a v1 wasm module as it is output from cargo concordium build, i.e. including the prefix of 4 version bytes and 4 module length bytes.
  • Load a raw wasm module, i.e. one without the prefix of 4 version bytes and 4 module length bytes. The module still has to be a valid V1 smart contract module.
  • Serialize the given value to a freshly allocated vector of bytes using the provided Serial instance.

Type Aliases§

  • The minimum number of credentials that need to sign any transaction coming from an associated account.
  • Hash of a block.
  • A reference to a smart contract module deployed on the chain.
  • The minimum number of signatures on a credential that need to sign any transaction coming from an associated account.
  • Time at the beginning of the current slot, in miliseconds since unix epoch.