Module conciliator::core

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Core functionality: dealing with buffers of colored terminal output

Text is never written directly to the terminal, it is written into a buffer first, which then get printed. The buffer is just a simple Vec<u8> (and a boolean to store whether colors are enabled), implementing Write and Paint to allow printing colored text.

Dealing with the buffers is somewhat unidiomatic, so it bears some explanation. Here are four different ways to write the same status message to the terminal:

use std::io::Write;
use conciliator::Conciliator;

let con = conciliator::init();
let hello = "Hello";

write!(con.status(..), "{hello}!").unwrap();

The con.status( … ) method returns a Line, which:

  • contains the status tag (e.g. [ > ] ) and whatever was passed into it (.. is used to specify “nothing”, see InitialContent),
  • implements Paint (and thus Write),
  • automatically appends a newline (\n) character when it gets printed (unless overridden with Line::no_newline),

Finally, to avoid having to explicitly print every Line, it holds a reference to the Stream it was obtained from, and the destructor uses this reference to print the buffer to the terminal.


  • Buffer for colored text
  • Wrap a Buffer to print it and a newline when dropped
  • Wrap a Buffer to print it without a newline when dropped
  • Wrapper around a standard output stream (stdout or stderr)
