Crate comrak

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A 100% CommonMark and GFM compatible Markdown parser. Source repository is at

The design is based on cmark, so familiarity with that will help.

You can use comrak::markdown_to_html directly:

use comrak::{markdown_to_html, ComrakOptions};
assert_eq!(markdown_to_html("Hello, **世界**!", &ComrakOptions::default()),
           "<p>Hello, <strong>世界</strong>!</p>\n");

Or you can parse the input into an AST yourself, manipulate it, and then use your desired formatter:

extern crate comrak;
use comrak::{Arena, parse_document, format_html, ComrakOptions};
use comrak::nodes::{AstNode, NodeValue};

// The returned nodes are created in the supplied Arena, and are bound by its lifetime.
let arena = Arena::new();

let root = parse_document(
    "This is my input.\n\n1. Also my input.\n2. Certainly my input.\n",

fn iter_nodes<'a, F>(node: &'a AstNode<'a>, f: &F)
    where F : Fn(&'a AstNode<'a>) {
    for c in node.children() {
        iter_nodes(c, f);

iter_nodes(root, &|node| {
    match &mut {
        &mut NodeValue::Text(ref mut text) => {
            let orig = std::mem::replace(text, vec![]);
            *text = String::from_utf8(orig).unwrap().replace("my", "your").as_bytes().to_vec();
        _ => (),

let mut html = vec![];
format_html(root, &ComrakOptions::default(), &mut html).unwrap();

    "<p>This is your input.</p>\n\
     <li>Also your input.</li>\n\
     <li>Certainly your input.</li>\n\


The CommonMark AST.


An arena of objects of type T.
Options for both parser and formatter functions.


Formats an AST as CommonMark, modified by the given options.
Formats an AST as HTML, modified by the given options.
Render Markdown to HTML.
Parse a Markdown document to an AST.