Type Alias comrak::ComrakParseOptions

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pub type ComrakParseOptions = ParseOptions;
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Legacy naming of ParseOptions

Aliased Type§

struct ComrakParseOptions {
    pub smart: bool,
    pub default_info_string: Option<String>,
    pub relaxed_tasklist_matching: bool,
    pub relaxed_autolinks: bool,


§smart: bool

Punctuation (quotes, full-stops and hyphens) are converted into ‘smart’ punctuation.

let mut options = Options::default();
assert_eq!(markdown_to_html("'Hello,' \"world\" ...", &options),
           "<p>'Hello,' &quot;world&quot; ...</p>\n");

options.parse.smart = true;
assert_eq!(markdown_to_html("'Hello,' \"world\" ...", &options),
           "<p>‘Hello,’ “world” …</p>\n");
§default_info_string: Option<String>

The default info string for fenced code blocks.

let mut options = Options::default();
assert_eq!(markdown_to_html("```\nfn hello();\n```\n", &options),
           "<pre><code>fn hello();\n</code></pre>\n");

options.parse.default_info_string = Some("rust".into());
assert_eq!(markdown_to_html("```\nfn hello();\n```\n", &options),
           "<pre><code class=\"language-rust\">fn hello();\n</code></pre>\n");
§relaxed_tasklist_matching: bool

Whether or not a simple x or X is used for tasklist or any other symbol is allowed.

§relaxed_autolinks: bool

Relax parsing of autolinks, allow links to be detected inside brackets and allow all url schemes

let mut options = Options::default();
options.extension.autolink = true;
assert_eq!(markdown_to_html("[https://foo.com]", &options),

options.parse.relaxed_autolinks = true;
assert_eq!(markdown_to_html("[https://foo.com]", &options),
           "<p>[<a href=\"https://foo.com\">https://foo.com</a>]</p>\n");