[][src]Crate commodity

A library with primatives representing commodities/money.

Optional Features

The commodity package has the following optional cargo features:

  • serde-support
    • Disabled by default
    • Enables support for serialization/de-serialization via serde


This library revolves around the Commodity struct, which stores a value using rust_decimal::Decimal, and a CurrencyCode which denotes the type of commodity. Commodities with different currencies cannot interact with mathematical operations such as add, sub, etc, this is checked at runtime.

CurrencyCode designed to be used directly when when working with commodities, it is backed by a small fixed size array which supports the Copy trait, hopefully making it easier fast, lock-free concurrent code that deals with commodities.

Currency is designed to store useful user-facing information about the currency being referenced by the CurrencyCode, such as its full name/description.

use commodity::{Commodity, Currency, CurrencyCode};
use rust_decimal::Decimal;
use std::str::FromStr;

// Create a currency from its iso4317 three character code.
// The currency stores information associated with the currency,
// such as the full name ("United States dollar" for this one).
let usd = Currency::from_alpha3("USD").unwrap();

// Create a commodity with a value of "2.02 USD"
let commodity1 = Commodity::new(Decimal::from_str("2.02").unwrap(), &usd);

// Create commodities using the `from_str` method
let commodity2 = Commodity::from_str("24.00 USD").unwrap();

// Create commodity using a CurrencyCode
let nzd_code = CurrencyCode::from_str("NZD").unwrap();
let commodity3 = Commodity::new(Decimal::from_str("24.00").unwrap(), nzd_code);

// Add two compatible (same currency) commodities, the result has
// the same currency (in this case, "USD").
let commodity4 = commodity1.add(&commodity2).unwrap();

// Try to subtract two incompatible commodities
let result = commodity3.sub(&commodity2);



Types and utilities relating to exchange rates and conversions between different types of commodities.



A commodity, which holds a value of a type of Currrency


Represents a the type of currency held in a Commodity. See CurrencyCode for the primative which is genarally stored and used to refer to a given Currency.


The code/id of a Currency.



An error associated with functionality in the commodity module.



The length of the CurrencyCodeArray type, used to store the code/id for a given Currency in CurrencyCode.



Return a vector of all iso4217 currencies