[][src]Crate comment_parser

This crate implements a (pull) parser for extracting comments from code in various programming languages.

Extract Comments from Rust Code

use comment_parser::CommentParser;

let rust = r#"
/* This is
the main
function */
fn main() {
    // println! is a macro
    println!("Hello World"); // Prints "Hello World"

let rules = comment_parser::get_syntax("rust").unwrap();

let parser = CommentParser::new(rust, rules);

for comment in parser {
    println!("{:?}", comment);

This will output the following:

BlockComment(_, " This is\nthe main\nfunction ")
LineComment(_, " println! is a macro")
LineComment(_, " Prints \"Hello World\"")

Extract Comments from Python Code

use comment_parser::CommentParser;

let python = r#"
if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("Hello World")  # Prints "Hello World"

let rules = comment_parser::get_syntax("python").unwrap();

let parser = CommentParser::new(python, rules);

for comment in parser {
    println!("{:?}", comment);

This will output the following:

LineComment(_, " In Python main is not a function")
LineComment(_, " print is a function")
LineComment(_, " Prints \"Hello World\"")



CommentParser parses text and produces Events.



Events contain raw and text.


LanguageError is an error that can be returned by get_syntax_from_path and get_syntax_from_extension.


The parser uses a few syntax rules, to be able to identify comments and strings.



Given a language name, get syntax rules for a predefined language included in the crate. Returns None if the language is not supported.


Given a file extension, get syntax rules for a predefined language included in the crate. The casing of the extension does not affect the result.


Given a Path, get syntax rules for a predefined language included in the crate. The language is identified from the path extension, and the casing of the extension does not affect the result.