Macro command_macros::command[][src]

macro_rules! command {
    ($($tt:tt)*) => { ... };

Full-featured macro for creating Command

This macro is available only with the "nightly" feature enabled.

Please read the syntax description in the crate's documentation.


This example is not tested
#![feature(use_extern_macros, proc_macro_non_items)]

extern crate command_macros;

use command_macros::command;

fn main() {
    command!(echo foo --bar ((2+2))=4).status().unwrap();
    // should echo: foo --bar 4=4


This is an experimental, nightly-only version of cmd! macro, so it might break with a nightly update from time to time. However, it uses a new proc_macro interface rather than compiler internals, so the breakage shouldn't occur too often.

In future, when the proc_macro interface is stabilized, this macro should work on stable without significant changes.