[][src]Macro col_proc_macros::vector

macro_rules! vector {
    #[proc_macro_hack(support_nested)] => { ... };

Creates a vector of type Vector<T> from the elements.


Initialize a vector with some numbers:

use col_proc_macros::vector;
type Vector<T> = Vec<T>;
let vec = vector![1, 2, 3,];
assert_eq!(vec, [1, 2, 3]);

Initialize a vector with a large number of repeated elements:

// writing an equivalent code with normal syntax would be insane
let vec = vector![1; 10000];
assert_eq!(vec, &[1; 10000][..]);

Initialize a multi-dimensional vector:

let vec = vector![
          vector![1, 2, 3],
          vector![4, 5, 6],
          vector![7, 8, 9]];
assert_eq!(vec[1][2], 6);

Rapidly annotate the type of the vector elements in any context with <elements>: <type> syntax:

let vector = vector![Default::default(), Default::default(): i32,];
assert_eq!(vector, [0, 0]);

The type must go at the last element or will be parsed as-is and rustc will fail with the message type ascription is experimental,as such,this syntax it's influenced by that language feature being the only equivalent which have the same result.

The Vector<T> type should have the following methods:

  1. with_capacity to allocate a vector with so capacity as elements.
  2. as_mut_ptr to move the elements to the vector from an array.
  3. set_len to set the length.

It's worth to mention that,like vec!,the resulting length must not overflow the stack because the macro declares an array and then moves the elements to the vector.