[][src]Derive Macro coi_derive::Inject

    // Attributes available to this derive:

Generates an impl for Inject and also generates a "Provider" struct with its own Provide impl.

This derive proc macro impls Inject on the struct it modifies, and also processes two attributes:

  • #[provides] - Only one of these is allowed per #[derive(Inject)]. It takes the form
This example is not tested
#[provides(<vis> <ty> with <expr>)]

It generates a provider struct with visibility <vis> that impls Provide with an output type of Arc<<ty>>. It will construct <ty> with <expr>, and all params to <expr> must match the struct fields marked with #[inject] (see the next bullet item). <vis> must match the visibility of <ty> or you will get code that might not compile.

  • #[inject] - All fields marked #[inject] are resolved in the provide fn described above. Given a field <field_name>: <field_ty>, this attribute will cause the following resolution to be generated:
This example is not tested
let <field_name> = container.resolve::<<field_ty>>("<field_name>");

Because of this, it's important that the field name MUST match the string that's used to register the provider in the ContainerBuilder.


Private trait and no dependencies

use coi::Inject;
use coi_derive::Inject;
trait Priv: Inject {}

#[provides(dyn Priv with SimpleStruct)]
struct SimpleStruct;

impl Priv for SimpleStruct {}

Public trait and dependency

use coi::Inject;
use coi_derive::Inject;
use std::sync::Arc;
pub trait Pub: Inject {}
pub trait Dependency: Inject {}

#[provides(pub dyn Pub with NewStruct::new(dependency))]
struct NewStruct {
    dependency: Arc<dyn Dependency>,

impl NewStruct {
    fn new(dependency: Arc<dyn Dependency>) -> Self {
        Self {

impl Pub for NewStruct {}

Struct injection

use coi::Inject;
use coi_derive::Inject;
#[provides(pub InjectableStruct with InjectableStruct)]
struct InjectableStruct;

If you need some form of constructor fn that takes arguments that are not injected, then you need to manually implement the Provide trait, and this derive will not be usable.