initSidebarItems({"struct":[["BruteScan","A point collection where queries are answered via brute-force scans over the whole list."],["BruteScanNeighbours","An iterator over the neighbours of a point in a `BruteScan`."],["Dbscan","Clustering via the DBSCAN algorithm[1]."],["Euclid","Points in ℝn with the L2 norm."],["Kmeans","Clustering via the *k*-means algorithm (aka Lloyd's algorithm)."],["KmeansBuilder","A builder for *k*-means to provide control over parameters for the algorithm."],["Optics","Clustering via the OPTICS algorithm[1]."],["OpticsDbscanClustering","An iterator over clusters generated by OPTICS using a DBSCAN-like criterion for clustering."]],"trait":[["ListPoints","Collections of points that can list everything they contain."],["Point","A point in some (metric) space."],["Points","A data structure that contains points of some sort."],["RegionQuery","Collections of points that can be queried to find nearby points."]]});